Sunday, May 18, 2014

Aloha Hash House Harriers HTML prototype - Basic

I had issues with the technical side of the project. So the HTML portion is very basic in design and function.

After meeting with Mismanagement they would like to see more than what is offered.  Compared to their current website Aloha H3 mine is lacking, but it is something to work on.

I used a different HTML builder and still had issues designing the page but it was a good learning experience:

HTML Basic

Final Presentation - Aloha Hash House Harriers

After much discussion, here is the final presentation for Aloha Hash House Harriers.

I do apologize that it's a bit long,but there was a lot of information that I wanted to make sure I covered.
Long Version:

Short Version: I did attempt to try to hit the highlights of what was experienced working with a nonprofit group and tailoring for a specific need.  Much shorter and I hope you enjoy.

If you want to review the slides they are located PRESENTATION SLIDES

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Presentation Practice

Working with non profits there are many challenges that can pop up but for me the biggest challenge has been defining what the organization needs are and what capabilities they are working with. I picked Aloha Hash House Harriers because it is truly non-profit and I feel they exemplify the meaning of aloha by showing anyone and everyone who wants to participate the beautiful wonders of Hawaii.  A true Ohana experience.

Before presenting my final presentation here is a review of what I have and what in the future would help AH3 in continuing is mission in offering "adult[s] who enjoys drinking beer, running and/or walking with a group, and participating in fun and ribaldry, then you are in the right place!"

Click HERE to see the power point presentation and offer any suggestions.

Presentation Details:
History of Hashing
What Issues they are facing (problems with current system)
Identify Solutions
Describe organization needs
Client Feedback
Current Systems
Future Features desired

Before I submit my final project I will most likely be adjusting the slides and flow of information to make more sense.  Thank you.

Low Fidelity Interface Mockups

Having met with the mismanagement of Aloha Hash House Harriers I presented the following mockup about how the application should or would work in order to bring the volunteers and runner's together as well as get the most updated information out there.

The idea is to allow runners to volunteer their time for certain dates as well as get the extra help for the different runs.  All runs happen on Saturday and usually start around 3 pm.  On occasion there have been early and super early starts depending on the Hare and Trail type.

After having shown my LoFI to the general manager and Hash Cash they had some valuable input.  For the most part the liked what and how the system would work.  Since their have been some issues in the past with limelight and the hasher they asked not to be shown on the video.  Recently there was an article that talked about hashers running on private property and backyards, some property lines are not marked and there was an issue.  Most hasher were polite while there were a few that had strong opinions. 

Moving on, the next picture simply shows the suggestions and how they would interact and update various links and information.

And I put the pictures side by side so you can see the suggestions.  Some other ones are explained in the video 
Thanks for watching!!


Developing the Features for ALOHA H3

Feature:Hash Group
   As an Email Tyrant (Administrator)
   So that I can send out emails about upcoming runs
   I want to inform hash runners of upcoming events from my contacts list

   This email listing is developed for hashers by hashers and only include emails from those runners that want to receive information about upcoming events.  Names and emails are the only information that is kept in this database.

Scenario:  Sending email to Hash Group
When I click on "to:" in contacts
And select "all"
Then I press insert with run information
And I add dates, times and places of weekly upcoming run event
And press "send"
Then I should see email sent to "hash group"

Feature: Runner Profile
   As an administrator
   So that have contact information of runners
   I want to be able to have contact via email or phone number in a database

Scenario:  Adding new runners
When I click on runner page
And select new runner
And it allows me to add "Nickname" with "hash name"
And it allows me to add "First Name" with "Mortal First Name"
And it allows me to add "Last Name" with "Mortal Last Name"
And it allows me to add "Email" with ""
And it allows me to add "phone" with "000-000-0000"
Then I should be able to see "HashName, Rachel Silversmith,, 808-260-7671"

Feature Trail Run
   As a Administrator
   So that I can input the weeks trail run information
   I want to insert time, date, location A (start) and Location (B) along with any accessory items needed on trail

Scenario:  Update the weekly event Trail Information
When I select Run Info Tab
And select "This week's Run"
And I insert "Title" with "(ex) Muu Muu Mother's day Hash"
And I insert "Date" with "MM-DD-YYYY"
And I insert "Time" with "HHMM"
And I insert "Start Location" with "address"
And I insert "Finish Location" with "address"
then I should see "Muu Muu Mother's Day Hash, 05-10-2014, 2:00 pm, address, starting point and ending point"

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Use Cases

This use case is used to demonstrate how keep track of runners on trail during Aloha Hash House Harriers:
Runner's will be able to log in that they are present and make their donations as well to show that they were there.  The lead trail guide then is able to update tracker of how many people and update donations per person

The second use case is used so that volunteers can sign up for dates to volunteer on:

Hares login and sign up for dates on calendar which then is used to update number of trails a volunteer has laid.

The third use case is all the data that has been collected can be distributed by the General Manager to the group.  As each report is turned in, it can be updated by the administrator and the reports then emailed on a group listing.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

H3 activity diagram

Working File for activity diagram
The Aloha Hash House Harriers is all based on volunteers and to two other very important components:  beer and running!!  But in order to keep the organization going, it's important to keep the aloha spirit.  AH3 does this by tracking who attends, it also tracks who laid a trail as lead hare and then tracks his or her's co-hares.  This count is very important and is currently done using the traditional paper and pencil which is then later added to a excel tracker.

Q: What you would consider the most important information that you are looking to track?
A: We try to keep all information safe from the public, personal information that we keep on each runner, emails, mortal names, hash names, telephone numbers, address.  But we get a lot of visitors and folks that rotate through, so keeping an accurate account of when they came and how many times would be at the top of the list.

Q: Is every required to giver personal identifiable information?
A: No, for those that are local, we usually have their info on file. For regular runs, we ask the visitor where they are visiting and name.  However, for big events, we will request a registration form in order to help with head count and make sure we have enough food and drinks for said event.

Q: Do you find the since these positions are only a yearly title, that there are a lot of data loss during the turnover?
A: That is a concern yes, we are seeking our non-profit status.  We had it before, but previous management decided the let it expire and didn't submit the required information because we didn't keep an accurate report of expenses and proper paperwork.
What we have now is a yearly audit but because the data can be changed it's hard to track numbers, awards, and other aspects at times because we have to go through all the paperwork and match up with excel spreadsheet that we are currently using.

Q: What do you hope to gain from this whole partnership, me and you?
A: An easy, to use (since some volunteers now and in the future may change) system that will alert us automatically when a runner hits a qualified number of runs to be names or awarded a prize, as well as for those that lay the trail.  For example, we have a runner who is hitting his 2500 run, he has tracked it very well and one of the founders of this hash but our records are decades old and for a minute we couldn't locate his past runs. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

H3 and It's Technology Needs : What, who, where, how, why and WHAT

Post Updates with Aloha Hash House Harriers

Learning more about AH3, I've discovered that it's all done on a voluntary basis.  Most positions are only held for one year terms and subject to elections.  This is to ensure that those in management are there willingly to donate their time.

Evan:  Because positions tend to change user systems requirements need to be:

  1. user friendly, in terms of inputting data and easy access to stored information.  
  2. secure
  3. relatively inexpensive (overhead is usually used every two years to host a big gathering)
  4. generate forms for registration for events
  5. accurate
Currently there isn't any Personal Identifiable Information that is kept. Each runner's information is limited to 

Given Name
Running Name and 
number of runs

In addition to the information listed above, the following would like to be kept
  • number of runs a runner has participated in
  • number of trails laid by said runner as leader as well as co-leader (two separate items)
  • dollar amount runner has donated (each event has a "donation" amount) these pay for pupu's and beverages at the end of the trail
  • Awards for special occasions i.e. 6th, 15th, 25th, 50th, 100th runs are recognized.  

Systems currently using:

808 hotline to get out information on events, running, pau hana socials, gatherings, etc.
website with links on where the runs are located and who will be providing the days trail
facebook with the same information but linked securely to runner's profiles

General Background. 
Follow on meeting to discuss more technical needs and wants.