Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Runner's Hi - Stakeholders

Who doesn't benefit from running?  Formulating my idea further of using a running planner for  Runner's HI running club I found some possible stakeholders:

Runner's HI employees  (Internal Stakeholders)
Finding the motivation to run is easy when you have all the race information.  The owner and some of the employees host a twice a week fun/training run for all levels.  When, where, why and how to sign u is easy, because it's the same days every week.  Tuesdays and Thursday both each having their own routes.

But from here, they have a resource to other race events on island as well as interisland and mainland travels, form flyers in the store, to a weekly publication and websites.

Runners (Operational Stakeholders)
The group that is invested here would be the runners themselves.  They would be able to plan training runs as well as travel accommodations. Successful implementation means that you would be able to see training schedules, travel plans, and see if they can take on more runners.

Runners(External Stakeholders)
The run club is an open club with no dues, so passer by, vacationers, or the occasional runner can easily join.  They just have to show up and can run as far or as little as they want along the course.  Joining any of the travel runs is just as easy.

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